Fuel Prices

All prices are per liter, includ­ing 19% GST.

If you ful­fill the pre­req­ui­sites and sub­mit the required proofs you can refu­el either EDGE min­er­al oil and/or tax free.

Take advan­tage of the price advan­tages of our free ser­vice sta­tion. When you buy larg­er quan­ti­ties of fuel we can offer you gen­er­ous dis­counts. Ask for more details at air­field admin­is­tra­tion.

Deliv­ery of Super Plus only to UL, motor glid­ers and air­craft with ROTAX engines.


Valid from 07.02.2025
Fuel typeAVGAS 100LLJet A1Super Plus
Incl. Fuel VAT2,83 €2,63 €2,33 €
Excl. Fuel VAT1,97201 €1,851145 €nicht möglich
VAT0,721 €0,6545 €0,721 €

Aircraft engine oil

On request